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I  wrote a research paper titled “An Analytical Study on the Impact of Demographics Influencing the Flow of D.I.I. in the Indian Stock Market” which was shortlisted and published in the International Journal of Economics & Management Studies.


The paper also got selected for presentation at Sigma XI Scientific Research Honor Society, where I presented it before a panel of 3 judges and my peers.


The evolving Indian stock market has attracted the F.I.I. (Foreign Institutional Investors) to the Indian market and has heavily influenced the Indian stock market. Similarly, Domestic Institutional Investors (D.I.I.) have also impacted the investment flow of the Indian market. The flow of DII’s has made the Indian market more resilient, further making it more volatile. In 2022, the D.I.I.’s crossed the 2 trillion mark in the Indian Stock Market. Several factors are responsible for this shift from investing in financial assets. The present paper focuses on the impact of demographics influencing the flow of D.I.I. in the Indian Stock market. The study addresses this by examining the changing population and increased participation of young millennials and women over the past decade (2010-2021).


India is going through rapid urbanization and financialization, placing its demographic in the middle of rapid growth. The stability of Indian markets depends more on Indian retail and institutional investors than foreign investors. It is evident through the increase in S.I.P.s and increasing disposable income that young millennials are more aware of the importance of investing in the right assets through the right platforms. Through this research study, it is clear that India will ride the wave of growth on the back of its young and fearless demographic.

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