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This project was born from my collaboration with Vimukti Sanstha, a not-for-profit society that works to provide quality education and career development opportunities to vulnerable girls. What started off as a simple spark to teach girls from the underserved communities, turned into a wildfire of change and growth for over 100 families and 500 people from villages around Jaipur, especially Kachchi Basti.


EduKanya was initiated by me when I noticed that the parents and older family members of girls studying at Vimukti were preventing them from seeking higher education opportunities to save money for their wedding and dowry.


Through storyboards with relatable stories and door-to-door campaigns, the project engaged the attention and created awareness among the parents and elders of these girls. Consequently, they allowed their daughters to fly high in pursuit of their dreams and Vimukti saw a rise in the numbers of girls passing out in grade 12 and applying for higher education by almost 25%.


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